0406 pc341 The Fundamentals Of Liberty

(Low Bandwidth version)

Bad Quaker Podcast
With Ben Stone Ben144x141

Today Ben covers the fundamentals of liberty, and talks about Spooner, Thoreau, Spencer, Mises, and Rothbard.


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3 Responses to 0406 pc341 The Fundamentals Of Liberty

  1. Great stuff.

    All schools should force all students of all ages to listen to this episode.

    But seriously, great stuff.


  2. D Bro says:

    So how would roads be privatized? Can you imagine the favoritism that would happen as in Russia after the breakup. People who travel should pay for the use and no more. The government should only use the road tax for the roads as designed. Usage taxes are the way to go. Direct taxes that are traceable by the people and used for where they are directed. Your voluntarism does help and I embrace the underground market. To me, because you are not actively engaged to destroy the state says the state will win because the state has the power. When we restore the Constitution, government will be back to a manageable size.

    • Bad Quaker says:

      Hahahahahahahaha, (gasp) Hahahahahaha.
      Oh wait, were you serious?
      Because that is the kind of half-baked, straw man/begging the question, scenario that have been covered about 10,000,000 times on about 5000 other ancap sites and in about 500 scholarly publications and about 100 books by phd level scholars.
      Bringing up “the roads” question is a tongue-in-cheek joke among ancaps.

      In case you were serious, here’s some problems with your statement.
      1) There is a government in Russia. A government collapsed and was replaced the same day with another government. Russia has not been stateless for hundreds of years. To use the Russian government as an example of ancap theory is not a foundation for a valid scenario. It is an example of the logical fallacy called Begging The Question.
      2) No actual ancap would ever suggest any kind of tax to pay for anything. Tax is theft.
      3) You said; “The government should only use the road tax for the roads as designed. Usage taxes are the way to go.” No, tax is theft and no government based on taxation is legitimate.
      4) You said; “because you are not actively engaged to destroy the state says the state will win because the state has the power” This is another example of begging the question, since you don’t define “power”. The power of the State is based on the faith of those who believe in the State. Remove the faith and the power vanishes. Even hard core statists know this. (see Hobbes, Machiavelli, etc)
      5) You Said; “When we restore the Constitution, government will be back to a manageable size.” This is a sad faith based statement, expressing a deep ignorance of history. I would urge you to listen to this podcast: http://www.badquaker.com/archives/2601

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